Still Getting It Wrong After 5 Years
5 years in and still getting it wrong
Just a quicky this one, but, i think a very relevant subject to all, regardless of ability. This mornings session was nothing out of the ordinary as far as Ironman training goes, 5 hours on the bike with intervals and a 50 minute easy run. It all becomes a bit extraordinary and somewhat scary if you mess up the nutrition as I did. The ride itself was pretty uneventful keeping a good pace, nailing the intervals and getting a horn blasted at me by the obligatory tool in a car.
Things got a little bit funky on the run though as 2 miles in I started to fall apart quite rapidly. A feeling I haven't experienced since my very first Ironman. Normally when things start to fall apart a bit, a bit of visualization as to why I train as I do seems to sort me out, but not this morning. This damage could only be sorted by one thing and one thing only, eating and drinking correctly ON THE BIKE, that time was long gone. As a result the run was cut short and a very weary, ill feeling Joe made his way home
So what went so horribly wrong, simple, I didn't follow my nutrition plan to the letter. My Garmin was set to eat and drink at regular intervals and was screaming at me every 20 minutes, but I felt OK and discarded it (idiot) I had a load of nutrition left in my back pocket after the ride, this tells its own story.
When I got home this is what happened in the first 10 minutes. I ate a chicken breast (joey not a happy wife her dinner now missing) drank 750ml of beetroot super juice, ate a punnet of strawberries and raspberries (like Joey wasn't mad enough), ate cashew nuts and half a melon. Another story told!
As I sat in the ice bath these were my learning outcomes
- get a nutrition plan
- Stick to said plan
- Practice plan in training (especially hard sessions)
- on brick runs always carry a phone, tell people where you are going and pick a route where you have get outs to go home early should you end up like me this morning
I'm sat with a brew now feeling fine. I'm racing a sprint triathlon at Ulverston on Sunday with a couple of good pals. We'll see what the lasting effects are if any!!
Take it easy and enjoy your Easter and the eggs!!!
Joe D