Ironman UK Inspiring
So, a quick recap of the days since Lanza then onto IMUK
My story so far will be short and sweet. As those of you who read my blog will know, I went to Lanza and missed out on the Kona slots. This sent me into a bit of a flat spin and had me looking at the possibility of doing IMUK. The only issue was I picked up a nasty chest infection in the weeks following the race. After a talk with my coach Ian Murphy, we decided to use the Avenger 70.3 as a test event. To cut a long story short it proved I wasn't fit enough to truly put in my best at UK. The race itself went ok with me finishing 5th on the day less than 4 minutes down on the winner. This may seem like a good result, but I ran badly for me with a very high heart rate and legs like lead, suggesting that the lungs weren't quite right. I felt that a fit me could have podiumed or even won the race. So a decision was made to bin UK.
Move on a couple of weeks, a dose of anti-biotics and a chest x-ray later and I did a 100 mile TT PB at the Shropshire Wheelers 100 in a time of 4:14 and a few seconds. The ironic thing here is that I killed the Felt DA a week out from UK, so would have been without a TT bike should I have been racing. Funny how things work out!!
So What to do in the 19th July 2015. Easy, be the complete Ironman supporter. I must owe a lot of people a lot of cheers from the past few years, so Sunday was payback time. I had a solid nutrition plan of coffee and sausage butties for breakfast while you were all keeping warm n dry in the lake, and anyone who watched the swim will know you lot in the water had it easy!! then for dinner I went for steak pie and cheese and onion pastie on COLT Ally. Here I picked up my first race day injury as the foil wrapper on my steak pie cut my chin and the pie gave me partial thickness burns within my mouth!! finally my run nutrition was a big mac and a vanilla thick shake. I wasn't sick all day and suffered no GI issues, there may have been a lager of two mixed in there as well at some point.
I have to say you lot inspired me though to be honest. Watching an Ironman event makes me realise what a great sport we have, with even greater people. It makes me realise why I started, and why I bury myself in training daily. Now Im gonna mention a few people here. It would be impossible to mention you all, I would be typing till next years race.
Firstly my pal Joe Elding. One of the most inspirational people I know. I'm gonna tell you a bit about him cos he wouldn't. Joe is a cancer survivor but only just, at one point during his illness we were told he wasn't gonna make it through the night, he races to raise money for charity, he trains hard as well as looking after willow his little girl and holding down a tough job. Guess what Joe YOU ARE AN IRONMAN, TWICE!! Joe had a good race on Sunday although slower than last year due to the conditions which I know cheesed him of a bit, but he's out there doing it, something nobody could have dreamed of a few years ago, well done pall!!!! He's now racing Roth next year.
Matt Elliston, probably the most naturally gifted cyclist I've ever had the privilege to ride with, although I don't ride with him so much as survive!! Matty has put a tremendous amount of work in on the bike this year and it showed with a sub 5:30 ride including a puncture. He suffered a little on the run, but his tenacity got him to the finish in one piece. I'm really hoping he has the bug for it now and we can do a bit of riding together in preparation for next years race, plus, we have never competed against each other. We could have out own little Ironwar!! Well done mate.
Paul Dotchin doing his first Ironman. Coming from a cycling background Paul had a good solid bike and a good swim. He has been suffering with a foot problem for some time now, but showed true grit during the marathon to push on when I'm sure a lesser person would have called time on the race, I'm sure this never crossed his mind though!! another great performance and I'm sure he'll be back for more.
Mick 'NAILS' Hancock. Mick smashed his PB as I expected after seeing him train a couple of times. Why NAILS then. He only broke his toe during the swim. I can't imagine how the marathon must have felt. This just goes to prove yet again that we triathletes are a different breed. Onwards and upwards Mr Hancock there is a lot more to come from you I'm sure.
Mr Laithwaite went round in his usual business like manner and romped home in a time of 10:11 (a minute slower than last year) had to get it in mate!! but for someone who puts a tremendous amout back into triathlon and loves the sport as much as Marc it's great to see then picking up podium spots and trips to Kona, even if they don't go. Well done Marc n I hope I can scare you a bit at IMUK next year.
Tony Cullen finally got the age group win he has been after. This even with a puncture on route. Another sub 10 for Tony another Kona slot as well. I have to say, I bumped into Tony on a training ride a couple of weeks after Lanza. He was doing intervals on the UK course. I rode with him and chatted during one of his rest periods. I've never been so glad to see the back of a cyclist, his rest period was killing me!!! Well done Tony.
Young tom Rigby from Tri Preston in his first Ironman looked solid all day, never seem too flustered and simply ran a good steady, controlled race. I think there is a star in the making here and one to follow closely. I'm expecting great things from you young Tom!!
Finally from a star in the making to a star. I'm running out of things to say about Brian Fogarty. Unreal is the one I'm gonna use today. Another man with a puncture who rode a 5:15 bike split!!! My mate Andy had the joy of helping him get going again on Hunters Hill, I think his legs are still recovering. 11th overall for Brian, his second qualifying slot of the year and god help those racing him in Kona this year, I've got a feeling something special is gonna happen
Here is the role of honor, sorry I couldn't go into detail for you all. Pete Murray, Steve Hilton and the rest of the Hubsters (including the nutters on Hubsters Hill), all the Chorley AC & Tri lads, Shirley Hunt and the rest of the Tri Preston, Scott Lowe and his lovely Mrs Janine and the Team Dean lot. Marc Murphy, Nozzer, Rob and the rest of the GMC Fire tri lads. All the guy from COLT and for making Babylon lane a spectator hot spot, COLT Ally and Hubsters Hill are becoming legendary thanks to the two clubs, please, please, please keep this up!! Massive respect to you all competitors and supporters alike. You took on the IMUK in some of the worst conditions to date and came out on top. It really was an inspiring day for me to see you all doing so well in poor conditions. Thankfully, you all got round in one peice and I'm sure some of you will be looking at races for next season already.
I can't finish without mentioning my mate Handy Andy Turner. He was the official rescue guy for the race, fixing at least 3 bikes on Hunters hill and carrying out a full set of hill reps, picking people off the ground and pushing them to get them going again. Once a firefighter, always a firefighter.
So, next for me is a couple of 70.3 races. The Ultimate Half and the Rubicon. Then the big one, the ETU European Champs at Challenge Weymouth and racing in the GB Colours. I have to say I'm really excited about this one, and all the numbers in training since the chest infection are looking good, but between me and you I think that Ian Murphy is trying to kill me judging by some of the sessions, either that or he's makling me stronger. I'm sure there's a saying in there somewhere!!
Until the next blog stay safe and take it easy
Joe D